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Royston Glass - Coronavirus Collection & Delivery Procedure

You will be aware of the Coronavirus outbreak currently happening in the UK. In support of the rigorous precautionary measures Royston Glass have adopted to prevent the spread of the virus, and to protect both you and our employees, please be advised that the following collection and delivery procedures have been put into effect at our head office until further notice.


Collection of Goods from Royston Glass

  • The main gate to our compound will be kept locked until further notice.
  • When you arrive to collect your order, please pull up to the main compound gate, and walk to the main reception entrance and seek attention via the intercom.
  • The office will speak to you via the intercom and alert the goods despatch team to your arrival. Please return to your vehicle and await a member of staff who will unlock the gate to allow entry to the yard.
  • Please pull into the yard and remain in your vehicle. Our staff will place your order onto a pallet in our designated collection/delivery area.
  • Remain in your vehicle until our staff member has retreated from the collection/delivery area.
  • Please load your glass. Your collection note will be waiting for you on a clipboard in the collection area - please sign and leave your signed collection note on the clipboard.
  • After loading, please return to you vehicle. Once inside, one of our staff will re-secure the gate behind you.

Please allow extra time when you come to collect to allow for these infection control measures. The latest arrival time for collection will be 4.00pm to allow sufficient time for collection until further notice.


Delivery of Goods to Royston Glass

  • The main gate to our compound will be kept locked until further notice.
  • When your driver arrives to deliver goods to Royston Glass, please advise them to pull up to the main compound gate. The driver will now need to walk to the main reception entrance and seek attention via the intercom.
  • The office will speak to the driver via the intercom and alert the goods receipt team of the drivers’ arrival. The driver is then to return to their vehicle and await a member of staff who will unlock the gate to allow entry to the yard.
  • The driver will then be able to pull into the yard. The driver should pull up to the shutter door, which is adjacent to our newly designated delivery area. We ask that drivers remain in their vehicle until our staff have retreated from the delivery area.
  • Goods will need to be placed in the delivery area.
  • After unloading, we ask that your driver returns to their vehicle. Once inside, one of our staff will re-secure the gate behind you.

Please allow extra time when delivering to Royston Glass to allow for these infection control measures. The latest arrival time for deliveries will be 3.30pm to allow sufficient time for delivery until further notice.


Please also be advised that in support of company infection control measures, our staff have been advised to avoid hand shaking or close contact with customers or delivery drivers during this outbreak. Please do not be offended by this measure – it is designed to reduce potential transmission of Coronavirus and with the safety of both you and our staff in mind.